Showing posts with label open house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label open house. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why Auction Your Property Part 5

Ok so where now really getting into the process of selling your property through auction.

Today we are goingto address one of the most inconvinient parts of selling your property.

Opening your property to strangers

This is otherwise known as potential buyers viewing your porperty.

With auctions as mentioned before. Auctioneers do not just rock up at your door step expecting you to suddenly open your property to a perfect stranger and allowing them to view your property.


Estate Agents calling you wanting to bring a potential buyer to your property in 5 minutes.

Remember imentioned it before that auctioneers work for the seller. Therefore the seller can dictate when it is convinient to open their property to the auctioneer and the potentianl buyer. By doing this save the seller loads of time and loads of money.

You will be surprised as to how much money is lost in this inconvinience.

Auctioneers also do not believe in have a show house every single sunday all day until the auction day. They have found with show houses that they can be potentially a waste of time. The reason for this is that they get people that are just nosey or they have just bought down the road and wanted to see what they are missing out on. Others just don't have anything better to do on their Sunday so they drive around looking at properties that they have no intention to buy.

What auctioneers tend to do is have one show house the Sunday before the auction for a limited time for instance two hours.

So, if you don't like your privacy invaded and you want to save money. Then the auction route is the way forward for you.

Remember, If you want to be in control of the selling of your property take it to auction.

Contact Dales Bros Auctioneers for more information.

I hope you enjoyed this part.

See you tomorrow for Part 6

